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Valais Blacknose Sheep are known to be friendly, affectionate and completely adorable — and people around the world agree. Who wouldn’t love their extra fluffy, shaggy wool mops and unique markings? These sweet sheep are native to Switzerland, but Scentsy co-owner Orville Thompson helped bring them to Idaho, adding some special significance to this sweet Scentsy Buddy. 

Valley the Valais Blacknose Sheep Buddy

Regular price $40.00
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Nelson the Narwal Suri the Seahorse Snazzy the Swan Benny the Boo-Boo Valley the Valais Blacknose Sheep Shu Shu the Panda Lovely the Llama Glam Mandalorian Star Wars
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Valais Blacknose Sheep are known to be friendly, affectionate and completely adorable — and people around the world agree. Who wouldn’t love their extra fluffy, shaggy wool mops and unique markings? These sweet sheep are native to Switzerland, but Scentsy co-owner Orville Thompson helped bring them to Idaho, adding some special significance to this sweet Scentsy Buddy. 
